You are about to cross a threshold, soon to experience one of the most powerful and profound transitions in a human life: parenthood. 

I believe that you can, and will, rock this transition in your own way—emphasis on your. Pregnancy and birth are amazing in that they are universal and yet simultaneously wonderfully and completely individual. Your body is yours, your baby is yours, and your birth is yours. This experience—even as it’s also a path that millions have walked before you—is yours. It’s my role and my goal as a doula to be a satellite, a guide, a presence, and a space-holder, existing in your orbit.

Our relationship is rooted in the belief that you are the expert on you. As a doula, I do not judge your choices, your actions, your desires, or your experience.  I’m there to support you in what makes sense for you, your baby, and your family.

Birth is life-changing—however it happens for you and your family. I believe that you have the ability to birth your baby. You have the right to do this in the way in which you feel most comfortable and secure. I don’t promote any particular approach to birthing or any one birthing philosophy because I believe birth is highly individual. I also believe that birth and pregnancy are dynamic processes: You might feel one way about your birth at the beginning of your pregnancy, another way at the end, and another way completely once your baby is born. I am there to support you during the journey before, during, and after.

I provide information, evidence, resources, and suggestions that are specifically tailored to your ideas, goal, tastes, sensibilities, history, and more.

I am sensitive to the fact that, by hiring me as your doula, you’re letting me in on one of the most intimate experiences of your life. I will work with you, your partner and whoever else you’d like to be present at your birth to envision your ideal birth experience. I’m also there to provide support and guidance in outlining alternatives if changing the birth preference plan becomes the best option for your family.

It’s important to me to work harmoniously with your partner (or other people who might be present at the birth); I remain supportive to their needs and wishes along with your needs. One of the things that I stress in my practice as a doula is communication; I believe that birth is best when the birthing environment remains positive and when a birthing person feels listened to, respected, and supported by everyone in the room.

My practice is inclusive; I welcome work with a diversity of families and birthing people. My approach is always trauma-informed and rooted in human rights and social justice.